General Terms and Conditions

Stand: 11.11.2024


The GTC are merely a translation. Legal formulations are without guarantee. The original can be viewed here.

1 Preamble

1.1 The offer signed by the customer together with the signed attachment to this order with the SEPA
Direct Debit Mandate, the acceptance of the AVV, if applicable acceptance SIDES Pay conditions
(presented and handed over as a separate attachment to the offer) and the confirmation according to §
13 BGB regulate including these following General Terms and Conditions (together “contract”) the
entire contractual relationship between SimplyDelivery GmbH (hereinafter “SIDES”, “we” or “us”),
Wilhelm-Kabus-Str. 70, Haus 34.3, 10829 Berlin and its customers (hereinafter referred to as
“customer” or “you”; together with SIDES hereinafter also referred to as “the parties”) with regard to
the subject matter of the contract. The parties may – e.g. for special content such as “Google Food
Ordering” – agree additional, supplementary or deviating terms and conditions in writing with the
customer as part of the offer.
1.2 The SIDES offer is aimed exclusively at entrepreneurs within the meaning of § 14 of the German
Civil Code (BGB). Entrepreneurs are natural or legal persons or a partnership with legal capacity who,
when concluding a legal transaction, are acting in the exercise of their commercial or independent
professional activity. Against this background, by concluding the contract, the customer declares that
he is an entrepreneur and not a consumer within the meaning of Section 13 BGB.

2 Subject matter of the contract, offer

2.1 SIDES provides the customer with software for use via the Internet (Software-as-a-Service) in the
form of cloud services (hereinafter “SaaS services”). In addition, SIDES offers its customers further
services including marketing services or customised software projects including website creation and
domain management (hereinafter “supplementary services”). SaaS services and the supplementary
services (together “services”) form the subject matter of the contract, insofar as these have been
ordered by the customer. The customer can choose from the services offered by SIDES according to
his individual needs. The scope of the contractually owed services depends on the respective content
of the offer.
2.2 A description of our current services (“Service description”) can be found at https://www.get-
2.3 In the event of ambiguities or deviations, the contractual provisions shall apply in the
following order (descending):
∙ Order processing contract (AVV)
∙ Offer and attachments (e.g. SIDES Pay conditions, SEPA Direct Debit Mandate)
∙ These General Terms and Conditions
2.4 Any deviating provisions, general terms and conditions of the customer or provisions that go
beyond these General Terms and Conditions require express written agreement between the parties in
order to be legally effective.
2.5 The assumption of a guarantee for certain properties, characteristics or qualities of the services
requires the written form and an express designation as a “guarantee” in order to be legally effective.

2.6 In order to be able to use the services of SIDES with their full functionality, it may be necessary
for the customer to have additional access to third-party software, interfaces/APIs or other third-party
services (e.g. their own Google Play Developer Account), hereinafter collectively referred to as “third-
party services”. Third-party services may be subject to a charge for the customer depending on the
respective contract concluded between a third-party provider and the customer for these third-party
services. Any contracts for third-party services are concluded without the legal involvement of SIDES.
SIDES points out to the customer within the scope of its own service description whether and if so
which third-party services are required so that the customer can use the services to their full extent.

3 Conclusion of contract, offers, changes to services and the customer’s duty to co-operate

3.1 Unless expressly agreed otherwise, the contract is concluded when the offer is signed (digitally or
by hand) by the customer. The term begins in accordance with section 14 as stated in the offer.
3.2 Delivery and service dates or deadlines stated in the contract are only binding if SIDES has
designated them as binding in writing. Insofar as specific start dates for the provision of services by
SIDES to the customer have been expressly specified, the services are payable from this date.
3.3 SIDES can change the functional scope of the services at any time to an extent that is reasonable
for the customer. The change is particularly reasonable if it becomes necessary for an important reason
– for example, due to disruptions in the service provision by subcontractors or for security reasons –
and the service features defined in the service description as well as the essential service obligations of
SIDES essentially remain unchanged. If the changes do not exclusively concern functional
enhancements or not only insignificant components of the services to be provided by SIDES, SIDES
will inform the customer of the change by e-mail at least four weeks before it comes into effect.
3.4 SIDES reserves the right to offer extensions and further developments only for an additional fee. If
the customer acquires an extension or development for an additional fee by concluding a
corresponding additional agreement, the provisions of this contract shall apply to this acquisition
accordingly and insofar as the parties do not agree any additional provisions regarding the provision of
such extended or additional services. If SIDES makes extended or additional functions available free
of charge after the conclusion of the contract, these are considered voluntary services of SIDES. The
customer has no claim to SIDES providing these functions in the future. The customer is obliged to
provide the respective cooperation services (hereinafter referred to as “cooperation obligations”) in
order to enable SIDES to fulfil its performance obligations in accordance with the contract. These
obligations to co-operate include – as far as applicable to the customer according to the services
ordered by the customer: The participation in onboarding appointments offered by SIDES, the
complete and timely provision of the customer’s own content (e.g. menus), the proper execution of
appointments for the setup agreed jointly with SIDES in the case of SaaS services. Further obligations
to co-operate may arise directly or indirectly from the communication between the parties. If SIDES is
prevented or impaired from providing the services owed on time or to a sufficient extent because the
customer has failed to fulfil his own obligations to cooperate in breach of duty, the customer owes
SIDES the full remuneration in accordance with clause 7.

4 Use of the SIDES Pay solution

Insofar as the customer uses SIDES Pay within the scope of his contract with SIDES, the applicable
conditions and provisions in this respect result from the contents of the SIDES contract offer and from
the SIDES Pay supplementary GTC provisions to be accepted within the scope of SIDES Pay use,
which the customer must agree to separately.

5 Obligations of the customer

5.1 The customer has the following obligations:
5.2 Customer login data (password and access data) may not be passed on to third parties by the
customer and must be kept protected from access by third parties and may only be made accessible to
authorised employees. For security reasons and in the customer’s own interest, they must be changed
before initial commissioning and then at regular intervals. If there is reasonable suspicion that
unauthorised persons have gained knowledge of the access data, the customer must inform SIDES
immediately and change the access data without delay. The access data may only be stored in
encrypted form on a PC, USB stick, CD-ROM and other data carriers. Furthermore, the customer
undertakes to observe all security measures, functional and other restrictions of the services. In
particular, the customer is not permitted to remove, overcome, deactivate or otherwise circumvent
protection or authentication mechanisms or to use the services for purposes other than those intended
or expressly stated in the contract; in particular, the customer is not permitted to make the services
accessible to third parties.
5.3 It is the customer’s responsibility to regularly export copies of the customer data entered by him or
his users and to create backup copies or to print out and save the corresponding information. The
customer is aware that a complete copy of the SIDES database is not technically possible. All data to
be processed and/or backed up by SIDES, which originate from the customer, must be checked for
harmful components by suitable means before transmission and/or input.
5.4 The customer is solely responsible for the Internet connection required to use the services and for
the operational readiness and functionality of the hardware and software environment (such as PC,
network connection, browser, etc.) required in accordance with the respective service description. If
and insofar as remote access is required for the maintenance and servicing of the services, the
customer shall grant this remote access at any time at the request of SIDES within the scope of the
technical requirements specified in the service description.
5.5 In the corresponding section of the offer, the customer names to SIDES a contact person in his
company who is authorised to receive and make legally binding declarations in connection with the
contract with SIDES.
5.6 In order to use the SaaS services to their full extent, the customer must register an account with
Google Maps. If the customer does not register their account for the Google Maps services, the
customer will not be able to use the corresponding functions. In this case, the customer shall continue
to owe the contractually agreed remuneration in full.
5.7 In order to use the iOS app, the customer must register an account with Apple at their own expense
and grant SIDES access to maintain the app.
5.8 The customer must – within the scope of what is technically reasonable and possible – ensure that
the customer’s normal business operations continue to run properly even if the services are
unavailable, regardless of whether this is due to the fault of SIDES or the customer.
5.9 The customer is solely responsible for ensuring that all his actions in connection with the use of the
SIDES services/software comply with all applicable law, regardless of the purpose of use. In addition,
you must comply with the provisions of this Acceptable Use Policy. A breach of this Acceptable Use
Policy constitutes a breach of the SIDES Terms of Use applicable to you. Customer may not use the
SIDES software for any activity that: violates any law, ordinance, rule or regulation.

6 Rights of use

6.1 SaaS services: From the beginning of the term of the contract and subject to the condition
precedent of full payment of the remuneration owed in each case in accordance with clause 6, the
customer shall receive the non-exclusive, revocable, non-transferable and non-sublicensable right,
limited in time to the term of the contract, to access the SaaS services via the Internet and to use them
for his own business purposes in the exercise of his commercial or independent professional activity
within the limits of the intended use (hereinafter “SaaS licence”). From a geographical perspective, the
SaaS licence only covers use in the customer’s business specified in the offer. The customer shall not
be granted any further rights.
6.2 In terms of content, the SaaS licence only covers the functions ordered by the customer in
accordance with the offer and is limited to these. If the customer exceeds the aforementioned content
restrictions of the SaaS licence in such a way that the customer uses functions within the framework of
the SaaS services that the customer has not agreed with SIDES as the subject matter of the contract,
SIDES is entitled to invoice the remuneration due for this use exceeding the SaaS licence in
accordance with the SIDES price list for the duration of the use retroactively and in future for the
duration of the concluded licence agreement. SIDES will inform the customer of such additional
remuneration and include it in the invoice.
6.3 Excluded from the granting of rights within the framework of the SaaS licence are components of
the SaaS services that are recognisably subject to the rights of third parties for the customer and in
particular open source licences, i.e. licences that do not provide for any restriction of the licensees or
areas of use, that are royalty-free and for which the relevant source code is accessible. In particular,
components that are disclosed by SIDES within the SaaS services or in supplied text files as third-
party content are considered recognisable.
6.4 The source code of the software of the SaaS services is not the subject of this licence and
disclosure is not owed, unless otherwise stipulated by applicable open source licences.
Notwithstanding mandatory statutory claims and rights, the customer is not permitted to reproduce or
sell the software of the SaaS services or parts thereof. Section 69d (2) and (3) and Section 69e UrhG
remain unaffected by this.
6.5 Supplementary services: If the customer orders supplementary services in accordance with clause
2.1, in which a copyright or other intellectual property rights can be established, such as graphic
designs, technical developments or other copyrightable deliveries, which are detailed in a
corresponding offer (hereinafter “delivery”), SIDES grants the customer a permanent, worldwide,
transferable, sub-licensable, non-exclusive right of use for commercial purposes to this delivery under
the condition precedent of full payment of the respective remuneration owed in accordance with clause
6 for such services. Priority licence or payment terms may apply in accordance with the respective
offer. Notwithstanding mandatory statutory claims and rights, the customer is not permitted to
reproduce or sell the software of the Supplementary Services or parts thereof, insofar as software is
concerned. Section 69d (2) and (3) and Section 69e UrhG remain unaffected by this.
6.6 The customer grants SIDES a non-exclusive, temporally and geographically unrestricted licence to
all content that he transfers to the SIDES servers as part of the use of the SaaS services, to use this
content insofar as this is necessary to fulfil the contract with the customer, in particular to store and
reproduce the content and to make it accessible to third parties according to the customer’s settings.
SIDES is entitled to grant sub-licences to subcontractors. Furthermore, the licence is not transferable.
SIDES is authorised to store the customer’s POS data beyond the duration of the contract, insofar as
this is technically or legally necessary. The customer shall ensure that this POS data is free of personal
data of his customers. In particular, SIDES is authorised to create backup copies of the content
provided by the customer and to temporarily or permanently store such information as is required for
billing, documentation and invoicing purposes. If the customer provides feedback or suggestions for
improvement regarding our services, we are authorised to use this for our purposes without restriction.
In this case, SIDES is not obliged to pay any financial compensation to the customer. Any claims of
such a customer for naming or other claims of the customer in connection with the feedback given or
the suggestion for improvement are excluded.

7 Remuneration and terms of payment

7.1 The remuneration agreed in the offer and any ancillary costs stated in the offer are always net
prices and do not include statutory taxes and duties.
7.2 The remuneration is invoiced by SIDES in accordance with the following provisions. The invoice
amounts to be paid by the customer to SIDES are to be transferred to the account specified in the
invoice. The respective invoice amount must be credited to this account at the latest on the tenth day
after receipt of an invoice. In the case of a direct debit authorisation issued by the customer, SIDES
will not debit the invoice amount from the agreed account before the seventh day after receipt of the
7.3 The monthly fees are payable pro rata for the remainder of the month, starting on the day on which
the services are ready for operation. Thereafter, these fees shall be paid monthly in advance. If the fee
is to be calculated for parts of a calendar month, it shall be calculated pro rata for each day. The full
monthly fee will also be charged accordingly if the customer cancels the contractual relationship
within the cancellation period; this does not apply if SIDES is responsible for the customer’s
cancellation for good cause.
7.4 Remuneration for additional services is due after the respective service has been provided by
SIDES and is to be paid by the client without deduction in accordance with the invoice.
7.5 The customer shall only have a right of set-off if his counterclaim has been recognised by
declaratory judgement or is undisputed. The customer shall only be entitled to assert a right of
retention on the basis of counterclaims arising from this contractual relationship.
7.6 All payments shall be made in cleared funds, without deduction or set-off (subject to clause 6.6)
and free and clear of and without deduction for any taxes, duties, levies, duties, fees, charges and
withholdings of any kind now or hereafter imposed by any government, tax or other authority except
as required by law. If a party is required to make such a deduction, it shall pay to the receiving party
such additional amounts as are necessary to ensure that the receiving party receives the full amount
that it would have received had the deduction not been made.
SIDES offers its SaaS services as individual components and as software packages, in which several
components of SaaS services are combined. Insofar as the customer uses packages (whose individual
components are shown in the offer or the invoices), the customer cannot cancel or change the
individual components individually before the end of the contract term.
Insofar as SIDES agrees to a change during the contract term at the customer’s request, the individual
prices of the remaining licensed individual components of the SaaS services stated in the price list
apply in this case and not a pro rata or partial package price.

8 Default

8.1 In the event of a significant delay in payment, SIDES is entitled to suspend the services if the
significant delay in payment persists two weeks after receipt of a reminder (text form is sufficient) by
SIDES. In this case, however, the customer remains obliged to pay all sums of money owed according
to clause 7 (remuneration and payment terms) including, but not limited to, the monthly fee for SaaS
services according to clause 2.1.
8.2 If the customer is in default of payment for a period of more than two months, SIDES can
terminate the contractual relationship for good cause. In this case, SIDES is entitled to immediately
charge the customer the sum of the monthly amounts that the customer would have owed to SIDES
until the end of the contract period as compensation. If no end of the contract term was agreed between
the parties, the time at which the customer could have terminated the contractual relationship as soon
as possible by ordinary cancellation shall apply instead for the calculation of damages.
8.3 SIDES reserves the right to assert further claims due to default of payment.
8.4 For each unpaid invoice, the customer must reimburse SIDES for the costs incurred by SIDES in
connection with an additional request for payment (reminder).

9 Liability

9.1 SIDES is liable for services provided free of charge in accordance with the applicable statutory
9.2 Otherwise, SIDES is liable without limitation for intent and gross negligence as well as for
damages resulting from injury to life, limb or health.
9.3 In cases of simple negligence, SIDES is liable for the breach of an essential contractual obligation
(cardinal obligations under German law). An essential contractual obligation within the meaning of
this clause is an obligation whose fulfilment is essential for the proper execution of the contract and on
whose compliance the customer may therefore regularly rely.
9.4 In the case of section 8.3, SIDES is not liable for lack of commercial success, loss of profit and
indirect damages.
9.5 Liability in accordance with the above clause 8.3 is limited to the typical damage foreseeable at the
time of conclusion of the contract.
9.6 In the case of section 8.3, liability for damages due to data loss is limited to the amount of data
recovery that would have been incurred even if the customer had regularly backed up data in
accordance with the risks involved.
9.7 The limitations of liability apply accordingly in favour of the managing directors, employees,
representatives and vicarious agents of SIDES.
9.8 Any liability of SIDES for guarantees given (which must be expressly labelled as such) and for
claims arising from the Product Liability Act or data protection law remains unaffected.
Any further liability of SIDES is excluded.

10 Registration and use of domains

10.1 Insofar as the registration of domains by SIDES for the customer is the subject of the service to
be provided within the framework of the provision of supplementary services in accordance with
section 2.1, the specific scope of services is set out in the offer. The customer acknowledges that in the
case of domain registration by SIDES for the various top-level domains administered by national
organisations (registrars), the conditions for the registration and administration of the top-level
domains of the respective organisation apply. If top-level domains are the subject of the contract, the
general terms and conditions of the registrars apply accordingly.
SIDES always registers domains in the name and on behalf of the customer as domain holder. The
customer is obliged to bear the costs arising from the registration and operation of the respective
domain or to reimburse SIDES according to the respective offer.

11 Availability and warranty

11.1 SIDES provides a warranty for free services in accordance with the applicable statutory
11.2 SIDES owes an annual average availability of 98% for SaaS services. Excluded from the
aforementioned availability are times in which the server is unavailable due to technical or other
problems that are beyond the control of SIDES or its subcontractors (force majeure, fault of third
parties, etc.). The unavailability of the SaaS services for these reasons does not constitute a reason for
a reduction in performance or remuneration on the part of the customer. Downtime for technical
reasons, e.g. for the installation of updates as part of regular maintenance or the expansion of SaaS
services, shall only be carried out after prior agreement with the customer and, as a rule, on a
scheduled basis and to a reasonable extent outside the customer’s normal business hours. Such
downtimes due to scheduled maintenance work do not constitute grounds for a reduction in
performance or remuneration on the part of the customer and are excluded from the availability owed.
Strict liability pursuant to Section 536a (1) BGB for defects that already existed when the contract was
concluded is excluded with regard to SaaS services.
11.3 In all other respects, SIDES provides a warranty for defects in the provision of services
exclusively in accordance with the following provisions.
11.4 Defects are significant deviations from the contractually agreed functional scope of the services.
The customer shall notify SIDES immediately in writing (by e-mail, support board or Asana) of
defects in the services or other errors and document the circumstances of the occurrence as best as
possible. In addition, the customer will support SIDES free of charge and in an appropriate manner in
the elimination of defects and in particular provide SIDES with all information and documents that
SIDES requires to analyse and eliminate defects. SIDES will rectify the defects within a reasonable
period of time in consultation with the customer by repair or replacement. If the defect-free provision
of the services fails for reasons for which SIDES is responsible, even within a reasonable period set by
the customer, the customer can reduce the agreed remuneration appropriately. The right to reduce the
remuneration is limited to the amount of the monthly fixed price for the defective part of the service.
If SIDES does not succeed in remedying a defect within a reasonable period to be set by the customer,
which allows at least 3 attempts at rectification, the customer can terminate the contract for good
cause. SIDES is authorised to rectify a defect by means of a workaround solution if the cause of the
defect itself can only be rectified with disproportionate effort and the usability of the services is not
significantly impaired.

12 Claims in relation to third parties

12.1 The customer guarantees that he will observe all applicable legal provisions, in particular
copyright and data protection law, when using the services. The customer indemnifies SIDES from all
claims of third parties that are asserted against SIDES due to the use of the services by the customer.
SIDES will immediately inform the customer about the claims asserted by third parties and, upon
request, provide the information and documents necessary for the defence. Furthermore, SIDES will
either leave the defence to the customer himself or undertake it in consultation with the customer. In
particular, SIDES will neither recognise nor dispute third-party claims without consulting the
customer. The provisions of this clause apply accordingly to contractual penalties as well as penalties
and fines imposed by the courts or authorities, insofar as the customer is responsible for these.
12.2 Upon request, the customer is obliged to provide SIDES with all information necessary for the
assertion of claims against third parties, in particular to provide their names and addresses and to
inform SIDES immediately about the nature and extent of claims that arise against SIDES from the
unauthorised provision of the program.

13 Force majeure

13.1 SIDES is not liable for events of force majeure, which make the contractual performance
significantly more difficult for SIDES, temporarily impossible or make the proper fulfilment of the
contract impossible. Force majeure includes all circumstances independent of the will and influence of
the parties, such as natural disasters, government measures, official decisions, blockades, war and
other military conflicts, mobilisation, civil unrest, terrorist attacks, strikes, lockouts, pandemics and
other labour unrest, confiscation, embargo or other circumstances that are unforeseeable, serious and
beyond the control of the parties and occur after the conclusion of this contract.
13.2 If one of the parties is prevented from fulfilling its obligations under the contract due to force
majeure, this shall not be deemed a breach of contract and the deadlines stipulated in the contract or
within the framework of the contract shall be extended appropriately in proportion to the duration of
the force majeure. The same applies if SIDES is dependent on the advance performance of third
parties and this is delayed due to force majeure.
13.3 Each party shall do everything in its power to mitigate the consequences of force majeure. The
party affected by the Force Majeure shall immediately notify the other party in writing of the
beginning and end of the hindrance.

14 Changes to the General Terms and Conditions, service descriptions and prices

14.1 These General Terms and Conditions may be amended between the customer and SIDES by
agreement as described below: SIDES will transmit the amended General Terms and Conditions in text
form prior to the planned entry into force (effective transmission is also communication by e-mail to
the e-mail address provided by the customer in the contractual relationship) and separately point out
the new regulations and the date of the planned entry into force. At the same time, SIDES will set the
customer a reasonable deadline of at least one month (1 month) to declare whether he accepts the
changes for the further use of the services. If no declaration is made within this period, which
commences upon receipt of the notification in text form, the amended General Terms and Conditions
shall be deemed to have been agreed. SIDES will inform the customer of his legal remedies, i.e. the
right of objection, the objection period and the significance of tacit consent, separately at the beginning
of the period.
14.2 Changes with regard to essential contractual obligations are only permitted if they are necessary
because the services provided by SIDES without changing the essential contractual obligations are
necessary for reasons of IT security or due to a changed legal situation.

15 Contract term and cancellation

15.1 The contract begins on the date specified in the offer.
15.2 The initial term of the contract (“term”) is 24 months. After expiry of the term, the term shall be
automatically extended by a further year unless one party cancels in writing three months before
expiry of the term. If the customer is granted free months at the beginning of the licence agreement,
the term of the agreement shall be these granted free months plus the paid 24 months.
If the customer purchases additional components (in particular and e.g. SIDES Pay solutions,
additional software components etc.) during a term of 24 months or subsequently of 12 months, the
contract terms of the customer’s first contract apply to these functions and components, unless separate
contract terms, e.g. for SIDES Pay and associated hardware components, are specified in a separate
15.3 The right to cancellation for good cause remains unaffected by this. An important reason for
SIDES exists in particular if the customer significantly violates the obligations incumbent upon him
according to the contract.
15.4 Upon termination of the contract, any contractual relationships for additional services shall also
15.5 The cancellation of individual modules for certain services under the contract has no influence on
the term of the contract and the remaining modules purchased by the customer. A cancellation of
individual modules always requires the express consent of SIDES to be effective (text form is
sufficient) and such a cancellation of individual modules may increase the unit price or the availability
of remaining modules. In this case, SIDES will inform the customer wishing to cancel of such possible
changes in good time beforehand.
15.6 Upon termination of the contract, access to the services is terminated. The customer’s entire
database, which is stored on the servers of the SIDES services, must be downloaded by the customer
to the customer’s local system in good time before the termination date. SIDES will delete the data and
access data at the end of the contract. In order to fulfil the customer’s statutory retention obligations or
other requests for data retention, the customer can conclude a contract with SIDES for the continued
storage of the data, which will incur additional costs. In this case, separate SIDES hosting terms and
conditions apply.

16 Final provisions

16.1 SIDES is authorised to provide the services through third parties as subcontractors.
16.2 The exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from or in connection with this contract
is Berlin, provided that the parties are merchants or the customer has no general place of jurisdiction in
Germany or in another EU member state or has moved his place of residence abroad after these terms
and conditions come into effect or his place of residence or habitual abode is not known at the time the
action is filed.
16.3 The customer can only transfer the rights and obligations from this contract to a third party with
the prior written consent (e-mail is sufficient) of SIDES.
The contract shall be governed by German law to the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on
Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).

Status: 20.06.2024

The GTC are merely a translation. Legal formulations are without guarantee. The original can be
viewed here.

Appendix 1  Hardware-delivery conditions

These hardware delivery conditions apply in addition to the above General Terms and Conditions of
SIDES specifically for the sale of hardware components by SIDES to customers.
The sale of hardware by SIDES can take place together with the order of “services” according to
section 2.1 of the General Terms and Conditions of SIDES or independently of the order of such

1 Object of warranty

1.1 SIDES sells to the customer the hardware components specified in the offer (e.g. POS systems) in
the quantity specified therein at the sales price specified therein.
1.2 The scope of delivery also includes a (possibly digital) operating manual, which can also be made
available with a download link.
1.3 Unless expressly agreed otherwise, the hardware components are new goods.
1.4 SIDES is not obliged to install or instruct the hardware components, unless the parties expressly
agree otherwise.

2 Delivery, advance payment, transfer of risk

2.1 SIDES will have the hardware components delivered to the customer. Subject to deviating explicit
agreements between SIDES and the customer, the delivery area is limited to the following countries:
Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands. Section 1.2 of the General Terms and Conditions of
SIDES also applies accordingly to hardware components; these are sold exclusively to entrepreneurs.
2.2 The place of fulfilment is the registered office of SIDES.
2.3 The prerequisite for the delivery of the hardware components by SIDES to the customer is the full
payment of the agreed purchase price by the customer to the account of SIDES specified in the offer.
2.4 The delivery costs, as well as any customs costs, are to be borne by the customer and will be
calculated by SIDES after the delivery items have been put together at a reasonable price and invoiced
to the customer. The delivery costs, as well as any customs costs, are shown in the pro-forma invoice
of the advance payment. The risk of damage or accidental loss shall pass to the customer upon
handover or provision for collection and notification of this to the customer.
2.5 The risk of damage or accidental loss shall pass to the customer upon handover or provision for
collection and notification thereof to the customer.
2.6 The customer is obliged to inspect the hardware components for defects immediately after delivery
and, if a defect is found, to notify SIDES immediately (“notification of defects”). The notification of
defects must specify the alleged defect in sufficient detail in accordance with section 3.2 below. If the
customer fails to give notice of defects, the delivered hardware components are deemed to be
approved, unless the defects were not recognisable during the inspection.

3 Warranty

3.1 SIDES provides a warranty for defects in the delivery of hardware components exclusively in
accordance with the following provisions.
3.2 Defects are significant deviations from the contractually agreed functional scope of the hardware
components. The customer shall notify SIDES immediately in writing (by e-mail, support board or
Asana) of defects in the hardware components or other errors and document the circumstances of the
occurrence to the best of his ability. In addition, the customer will support SIDES free of charge and in
an appropriate manner in the elimination of defects and in particular provide SIDES with all
information and documents that SIDES needs to analyse and eliminate defects. SIDES will remedy the
defects within a reasonable period of time in consultation with the customer but at its own discretion
either by repair or replacement.
3.3 If SIDES does not succeed in rectifying a defect within a reasonable period to be set by the
customer, which allows at least 3 attempts at rectification, the customer may terminate the contract for
the delivery of the hardware components for good cause. SIDES is entitled to remedy a defect through
a workaround solution if the cause of the defect itself can only be remedied with disproportionate
effort and the usability of the hardware components is not significantly impaired.
3.4 The warranty period for hardware components is 12 months from the date of transfer of risk. A
restart of the warranty period in the event of subsequent performance by SIDES does not take place.
3.5 In all other respects, the warranty provisions in section 11 of the General Terms and Conditions of
SIDES apply accordingly to the delivery of hardware components.

4 Liability

The liability provisions in section 9 of the General Terms and Conditions of SIDES apply accordingly
to the delivery of hardware components.

5 Prices and terms of payment

The applicable prices, invoicing and payment terms are set out in the offer.

6 Software

Insofar as the hardware components contain proprietary software, SIDES transfers to the customer a
simple, non-exclusive right of use to the extent that SIDES is entitled to this right of use.

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